What do we do?

La Fundación Benjamín Bloom comprometida en procurar la atención médica y de calidad de la niñez salvadoreña, tiene como objetivo principal apoyar en el mantenimiento, proyectos de mejora, infraestructura, equipo médico, medicamentos e insumos del Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom.

Our history

We are a private, non-political and public utility institution, which arose from the will and desire of the philanthropist Mr. Benjamin Bloom, formally established in his will in October 1951.
Desde sus inicios, la Fundación Benjamín Bloom se ha dedicado a trabajar y apoyar en el mantenimiento, proyectos de mejora, infraestructura, equipo médico, medicamentos e insumos para curar y prevenir enfermedades o dolencias que aquejan a los pacientes del Hospital Benjamín Bloom.
Durante siete décadas, la fundación ha logrado beneficiar a más de 200 mil personas cada año. Como fundación hemos logrado apoyar con plena satisfacción las necesidades que se nos han presentado; sin embargo, ahora necesitamos la ayuda de todos los salvadoreños para continuar este proyecto que Don Benjamín entregó a El Salvador hace más de 90 años. El sueño que comenzó con un hombre, ahora debe ser el sueño de todos los salvadoreños. ¡Únete a nuestra causa!

Como Gabriela Mistral decía
“El futuro de los niños es siempre hoy. Mañana será tarde.”

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Our timeline

"Being El Salvador the place where he lived the best years of his life", Mr. Benjamin Bloom decides to give back to the country what he had earned and noticing the social needs, he decides to build the first national hospital for children on November 6, 1928, which when donated to the state became the National Children's Hospital "Benjamin Bloom" (HNNBB).
On December 31, 1951, Mr. Benjamin Bloom dies leaving a trust fund destined to the creation of a foundation, whose main purpose would be to assist the most vulnerable people and thus support as much as possible the needs of the Hospital Nacional de Niños "Benjamin Bloom" (HNNBB).
On May 29, 1959, Fundacion Benjamin Bloom or FUNDABLOOM is established as a private, non-political, non-profit institution committed to provide quality medical care to children in El Salvador, without distinction of race, nationality or religion.
On November 17, 1961, began the development of the project of what would become the new Hospital Benjamin Bloom. Later in 1963, construction began.
On December 21, 1970 the new Benjamín Bloom Children's Hospital (HNNBB) was inaugurated by President Fidel Sánchez Hernández. And on January 31, 1971, this new hospital began operations.
On October 10, 1986 San Salvador suffers an earthquake, causing considerable damage to the city's infrastructure. The buildings of the Benjamin Bloom National Hospital (HNNBB) were severely damaged and had to be closed and moved to a temporary location. During this period the Foundation provided more than 1 million colones to help with its operation.
Between 1989 and 1990, the reconstruction project of the hospital began with the support of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, for which the Foundation made a new donation of more than 2 million colones.
In 2009 the Foundation supports the construction and equipment of the Children's Burn Unit of Hosptial Bloom with more than 1.5 million dollars.
In 2013, the project to build and fully equip the Outpatient Clinic of Hospital Benjamin Bloom (HNNBB) began, funded by a donation of US$1,200,000 from FUNDABLOOM.